B.J. Randolph, LLC has delivered a #1 Amazon Best Seller – “Missing Pieces…Broken Heart” – an exceptional book developed through collaboration with veterinarians and pet owners from across the country. Developed as a pet loss business tool for veterinarians and their staff, as well as a powerful pet loss resource for pet owners. When properly used it acts as a empowering business tool enabling the veterinary business to have consistent pet loss procedures towards clients, while helping staff address compassion fatigue. It also serves as a educational resource tool for owners to become better advocates for their pets, to more fully understand the euthanasia procedure before and after, preparing for impending loss decisions related to EOL and QOL. It serves as a highly compassionate resource to help pet owners positively progress forward to navigate the devastating journey of sorrow and heartbreak from losing their cherished pet companion.
Developed as a highly effective tool for a specific audience, “Missing Pieces…Broken Heart” supports pet owner recovery from the grief and sorrow of pet loss while helping to ensure that for the business…
“Loss of a patient does not need to mean loss of a client”.
#1 Amazon Best Seller