As a veterinarian and pet owner myself, I can understand and empathize with the immense grief pet owners experience along with the “compassion fatigue” experienced by our veterinary staff and caregivers. When a beloved pet has a medical emergency, or nears the end of their life, it can be heartbreaking for everyone involved. I always wish I could do more to support them, but sometimes it just seems I can only give so much. This book gives me a better way to help pet owners in those difficult moments, as well as, enable my staff to be more compassionate and supportive throughout the entire process.

— Dr. Jose Salazar, DVM

May 31, 2018 admin

Life is so rich

Before we walked I spotted our sweet baby Bambi in the flowerbed in the front yard. It is the same fawn we fortunately discovered close to where we buried it’s twin (3rd picture is Bambi Thursday in the backyard) . I held that sweet tiny precious baby in my arms close to my heart and kissed it good bye before I lowered into it’s grave with “my/our hearts totally broken”. It needed the love of a mama who cares – even if a 2-legged one, it was sent onward with love. We can still spot Bambi looking out from our dining room window! So touching! Sometime today it’s mama will come for it. As I initially looked out the window, it brought tears back to my eyes again remembering the one we let go of and had to bury. Dad in his wisdom said, “Celebrate in life the one that remains, not the one we lost. By burying the 1st one we lost – we were able to find and save the other fawn remaining…” Such wisdom to see the joy.